Name Beginner Fat Loss Program
Category Weight Loss
Beginner Fat Loss Program
A brilliant workout routine provided by the guys over at to help you lose fast. This workout was built to be very simple to follow and achieve fast results.

This workout covers a variety of different exercises, covering different parts of your body. There is two different days to this workout routine and these days have to be interchanged throughout the week.

An example of this routine could be as follows -

Monday: Workout A
Tuesday: Workout B
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Workout A
Friday: Workout B
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Rest

However, this can be changed and tailored to fit your schedule.
Workout A
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Bench Press8 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Back Barbell Squat8 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Bent Over Row8 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Dumbbell Walking Lunge10 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Dumbbell Shoulder Press10 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Barbell Curl12 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Seated Tricep Press12 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Workout B
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Incline Bench Press8 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Leg Press8 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Lat Pulldown8 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Leg Extensions10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Lying Leg Curl10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Side Lateral Raise10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Seated Calf Raises10-12 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Crunches15 Reps3 SetsView Exercise