Name PHAT Workout
Category Strength and Mass
PHAT Workout
PHAT: Power Hypertrophy Adaptive Training

The PHAT workout routine was developed my Dr. Layne Norton. His goal was to create a routine that would simultaneously build both strength and size by combining multiple techniques into one single routine. What he finally developed was what we know as the PHAT workout.

The PHAT workout does exactly what it intends - it builds both muscle and size and it does it extremely effectively. The idea of the workout is simple - you workout for 5 days per week, and each day it focuses on a different muscle group. These muscle groups will be activated different by either targeting towards strength or size.

On the size days, the reps and sets will be higher so it will result in muscle hypertrophy. On the strength days, the reps and sets will be lower, but the weight will be higher, and this will lead to strength gains.

This routine has became infamous for its almost extreme, high intensity workout due to the very nature of it. The workout is gruesome and not for the faint hearted, but if you can withstand it, it is worth the pain.
Day 1: Upper Power Day
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Bent Over Row3-5 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Chin Up6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Weighted Pull Up6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Dumbbell Bench Press3-5 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Weighted Dips6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Dumbbell Shoulder Press6-10 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Barbell Curl6-10 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Skullcrusher6-10 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Day 2: Lower Body Power Day
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Font Barbell Squat3-5 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Hack Squats6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Hack Squats6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Stiff Legged Deadlifts5-8 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Standing Calf Raise6-10 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Lying Leg Curl6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Seated Calf Raises6-10 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy Day
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Bent Over Row3 Reps6 SetsView Exercise
Chin Up8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Seated Cable Row8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
One Arm Dumbbell Row12-15 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Lat Pulldown15-20 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Dumbbell Shoulder Press8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Incline Dumbbell Flyes12-15 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Side Lateral Raise12-20 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy Day
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Back Barbell Squat8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Hack Squats8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Leg Press12-15 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Leg Extensions15-20 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Stiff Legged Deadlifts8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Lying Leg Curl12-15 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Seated Leg Curl15-20 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Standing Calf Raise10-15 Reps4 SetsView Exercise
Seated Calf Raises15-20 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy Day
Exercise Reps Sets Action
Dumbbell Bench Press3 Reps6 SetsView Exercise
Incline Dumbbell Press8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Butterfly12-15 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Cable Crossover15-20 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Preacher Curls8-12 Reps3 SetsView Exercise
Standing Hammer Curls12-15 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Reverse Barbell Curl15-20 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Kneeling Cable Tricep Extension12-15 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Dumbbell Tricep Kickback15-20 Reps2 SetsView Exercise
Day 7: Rest